Thursday, October 29, 2009


If a "Real Christian" will vote for a particular party, what does that say about the Christians who don't live in the U.S.?

Please read this. I'm not trying to change you. And the truth is, if I were, it wouldn't matter because if what you believe is truth, nothing will shake it. Right? : ) Which reminds me of a very different topic that I lilke to ponder- What do you actually want? Truth or comfort? That's an other can of worms for an other day.

We have meshed a culture of humans with a faith of God. We are viewing something supernatural and sacred through the eyes of something disgustingly polluted. Through the eyes of something that makes people kill each other. That's not okay.
I used to argue about political issues. I don't now. Not because I am "bigger than that," or because I have lost all hope in convincing people that I'm right. It's because I don't care anymore. The closer I get to God, the less I care about my government.

The condition of my government shouldn't effect the condition of my spirituality. If it does, my faith is at a humanly level. My faith is not at a humanly level, so what does that tell you about my concern for government?

Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean to say that this stuff doesn't matter; it does. Just not to me. You older folks may say something like, "Oh but you're young and don't have kids. So you don't know what it means to need protection and stability." Or "You haven't lived long enough to know what you really think." Maybe. It's possible. I'm open to these statements having merit. But currently, I don't think so. I am talking to a God that has no boundaries. He has no limits, literally, nothing can stop him. I don't think it's spiritually healthy to base my values on and find my comfort in conditional circumstances produced by human decision. I want my values to be based on the ideas of an infinitely everlasting authority.(That last part may have been redundant, but He is good enough to get two words meaning the same thing to describe him.) If this country is taken over by an other, and the conditions of living become harsh, I won't blame God, and I honestly don't think my love for him will be shaken. If anything, based on my observation of historical events depicted in the bible, I think my faith will be strengthened.

I believe that in bad times we come closer to him because it is only then that we can truly see that the "reality" we are in isn't good enough. It never is, but most of the time, (for us americans especially), we can convince ourselves that life is good with pleasures of the flesh. What will we do when we run out of the supplies we need for our pleasures? And we will. Bad times are simply times when the supplies aren't right, or here. I am calling us to realize one thing: God doesn't require supplies. So if you're claiming to live a life with God, then you're claiming to not need any of this. None. That's madness, but I want it.

Please don't think I am asking you to agree with me. I do recognize and appreciate the people who will rise up in the government and make things better. I believe God calls for that in some. This was written so that you will know where I am called. I don't think that where I am called is better. I am just beginning to see that where I am called to is nothing like the place I see other people living in. It's a place without boundaries and without condemnation. It's a place where my love for and dependency on God makes everything else completely irrelevant. If you know me, then you know that I am clearly not living this yet. But caterpillars will one day be butterflies. Assuming the other caterpillars don't kill them first. (Martin Luther King, Jr. Uhhhh let's see... who else?...JESUS!) To name a couple. (Lucky for them, they had connections. So do I.)

I have some scripture to back all this up. But I freakin(euphemism) hate it when Rush Limbaugh uses Godly stuff to back himself up, so I won't do it. And I know, I know, I kind of did up there, but not with scripture, the word of God. It's because I can't claim that I understand God. I can only claim that I'm desperately trying to.

If you have scripture that proves the things I have said wrong, please give it to me. I have lots to back up most of this, but I'm a blind man interpreting a movie, only being able to make out the dynamics of the audio. I'm looking for deaf people who want to share their insight with me so we can figure this thing out. It's a good thing that the Holy Spirit knows sign language and verbal language.


  1. This brings to mind the huge difference in "happiness" and "joy"....
    and what so much of us want (especially in this country, and especially these days) --strive for--is to be "happy". And we think our jobs, our friends, our spouses, our GOVERNMENT should make us happy. No wonder there's so many angry, UNhappy people! As you point out.... we can only find real joy through the ONE who has no limits. I think you're on the right track!

  2. Love this! "But I freakin (euphemism) hate it when Rush Limbaugh uses Godly stuff to back himself up, so I won't do it. And I know, I know, I kind of did up there, but not with scripture, the word of God. It's because I can't claim that I understand God. I can only claim that I'm desperately trying to."

  3. It seems ironic that you posted this now. It was just 70 years ago in September 1939 that Hitler invaded Poland and essentially set off WWII. You know what most of the Jews said when Hitler was rampaging across Europe? Most of them believed it was (1) temporary, (2) "only politics", and (3) it will pass quickly. Well, guess what? Most of those same Jews that believed that Hitler and his poltics were a temporary "bump in the road" ended up dying in the concentration camps. Yes, politics do matter! Sometimes the simplest changes (as in the election of a President) can change the fate of a country.

  4. Hm. Just for the sake of clarity, I don't think we've elected a man who will be leading us to genocide. Even if we did, I am not particularly concerned. I'm not in any way being argumentative or supporting an individual. Just saying what I think. Interesting observation, thank you.
