Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Why don't we know what worship is?
The same reason a pot doesn't know what holding a plant is.

The God who made us made us to worship him as a potter makes a pot to hold a plant. The fundamental difference is that our God tells us why we are and how to be and gives us a choice as to whether or not we are going to accept the fact that we are. The truth is this: all of creation is worshipping, no exceptions.
We are called to be one body. In fact, when Jesus prayed for us, that was his prayer.
"...that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you."

God made everything. All of it. He made stars, mountains, trees, rabbits, slugs, rocks, water, and a few other things. It wasn't enough. So he made you. Creation didn't glorify Him quite the way he wanted it to, so he made you! My mind is blown by my existence. When I look at a person, I see a person. When I look at nature, my breath is taken from me. God doesn't see things like this. When he sees the stars and plants he loves them, but not even close to the way he loves us! The fact that he made us after them is proof that they weren't enough and that we are wanted and loved. This tells me two things-
1. People matter way more than I thought they did.
2. God must find his work a million times more beautiful than I do, for he knows how much work it took, so for me to see it and be silenced by it, makes me wonder how much he must be into it. So much that I can't imagine it. So with that, and the fact that He loves humanity much more than the rest of it, I am blown away. I am not capable of comprehending love as it truly is.

The closest I have come to this love is when I am talking to him, rather, when He talks to me. I saw my daughter in my mind during a prayer earlyer this year. I have never cried so hard. I am tearing up right now as I type this because I have Never seen anything even close to her beauty. She was so vulnerable and so perfect and so cute. I can't imagine something more precious and perfect. Something so wonderfully made that it could never ever do anything to keep me from loving it. My life is not the same because I am already doing and avoiding things for her sake. God must see us like this. He loves us so much that he will (and did) give up anything and everything for us. I am humbled. I am so humbled. I often wonder if he can actually see all of me because if he really could, why would he love this? But now I know.

We were made to worship. We were made to be loved. We were made to be one body, giving and receiving love from one father. Do it. Use your life to love as He does. There's only one way to possibly do it- Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior.

There is one body and one Spirit- just as you were called to one hope when you were called-one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all.
Ephesians 4:4-6

1 comment:

  1. It is pretty awing to know that our God knowing before our creation was ever brought to life every small bad choice we would make loved us so much he created us anyway. And if that wasn't enough he then sent his son to die for us so we could have life.

    There are no words.....
