Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Female Figure. (Or lack there of...)

I am so freakin tired of girls trying to be beautiful at the cost of their beauty. I am sick of seeing new photo posts of girls half naked and desperate for attention. I am sick of seeing beautiful girls who feel so bad about themselves that they have to change every aspect of their appearance on a daily basis, desperately trying to receive a compliment. I am sick of hearing guys talk about girls as if they were pretty cars.(Don't think that I am pointing fingers because I am guilty.) Truthfully, many girls these days are turning into cars. Cars are made by man to be enjoyed by man. Girls were made by God to be enjoyed by man, but with today's culture, things are changing. The definition of a "hot" girl now is NOT what it should be. Many guys, due to the pollution pornography is emitting, want a girl with circular, firm, fake boobs and with leathered brown skin and smelly perfume and a blank stare. Guys have created/adopted an image that is false. She might as well be a hunk of metal, an object created by man for his enjoyment. Girls- you aren't exactly helping, the hostility among girls can be beyond my imagination. I hate seeing the way girls will tear other ones down.

I can't stand the fact that girls are jeopardizing their beauty to become this product of societal expectation.

The girls in the magazines aren't beautiful. They are air brushed, plastic, computer-edited creations. They are not real. Why do real girls try to be fake ones?! All parties are guilty.( Girls and guys.) Come on people! Let's stop putting on blinders. Let's open our eyes to real beauty and real truth. Let's not let the world decide what we should look like. I am tired of the impact this issue has on every single person I know. I am praying hard for change. My god listens. Let's let Him use us! Be real.

1 comment:

  1. Dang! Pretty nice blog entry.
    Speaks the truth.
