I believe that in the body, unity matters more than anything else.
Who cares if your liver is perfect?
I don't care if your liver is perfect.
If you don't have the vessels connecting it to everything else,
enabling you to be a liver-
you're a deader.
Many people argue that the heart is the most important organ because without it we can't survive. Well, without vessels, a heart's effort is worthless.
I believe there is a heart and it is pumping. Our veins and arteries have been clotted with people who can't fully be anywhere because they are kind of everywhere like blood cells who spend all their time in the vessels because they can't associate themselves with any one organ because they all seem to have good and bad qualities and we're afraid to commit to anything that might make us appear to be something we're not bla bla bla I won't go to church because... It's time the love flowed like blood and the organs acted like they exist for the organism. The Church is who you are. The churches must become pieces of the Church by fully committing to their roles as parts and not wholes. People, commit to an organ knowing that without it the organism will not survive.
Church, we are not dead. We are not dying. But like my legs after math class, we have been sitting too still for too long to feel anything but an uncomfortable tingling where our limbs used to be.
Let's make an effort to let the blood flow. Let's not let the heart's hard work go to waste.
This is a message advocating unity because I believe it is Jesus' greatest concern for his body. When he prayed to his father, the most intimate relationship ever had, he revealed the deepest genuine concern of his heart. Read John 17 with the truth about it in mind: Jesus was close to death and asking for what he wanted most. I believe that what he prayed is the articulation of the will of God because the prayer was indeed God commissioning God. Therefore it will be done. (Period) Let's join the commission by joining the cells that are our lives to line the walls of vessels for love like blood to use for the invasion of organs, enabling a functioning organism to awake from its sleep and wash the feet of the world.
They will know we are Christians by his blood.
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