There was a room and inside it was a painting. It was more beautiful than any other painting and had many things in it. Among them, there was a sandy beach, forrest, sky, and an ocean. Four people were brought into the room and were sat down in front of the painting. They were each given a pencil and a paper and were asked to write down the five most important words about the painting.
Person A wrote the words:
1. Sandy
2. Tan
3. Beach
4. Warm
5. Peaceful
Person B wrote the words:
1. Green
2. Lush
3. Tropical
4. Alive
5. Forest
Person C wrote the words:
1. Infinite
2. Clouds
3. Big
4. Blue
5. Sky
Person D wrote the words:
1. Vast
2. Deep
3. Sea
4. Wet
5. Salty
When they were done writing their words, they all shared with each other what they had written. As person A read her list, the others began to scoff at her because they felt she was wrong. The same thing happened as each read their own list to the group. None of the lists had the same words and so each of the people felt as if all the others were wrong. Angry, and stuffed with pride, they all left the room and the painting behind, and went to ineffectively tell people about the painting, using only the words they had written themselves.
Person A had five words.
Person B had five words.
Person C had five words.
Person D had five words.
Just think, together they'd have twenty words- and a room with a painting.
True dat. True, true, true.