Satan is scared because he knows better than anyone that he has lost. Unfortunately he is really good at some things. One is lying. He is a liar. He will convince us that we aren't good enough and that we need things. He knows that all we need is the father, and so if he can convince us that we need anything but that, he has been successful. Many people immediately think of drugs and sex, but he uses all of the options. He uses family, the bible, church, religion, music, Hannah Montanna, and everything else.
Satan isn't a creator, he is a manipulator. God is the creator. Satan takes God's work and bends it and breaks it. When you feel like he is dominating your life and it feels like there is nothing you can do to stop him, it is true, you can't. That's why Jesus did what he did. The life of Christ and the crucifixion was way more than a stunt. It was a victory-
It was The Victory.
Satan knows it. He is well aware that he lost, and it drives him nuts.
Give it to him. : )
Don't be cocky for the sake of being cocky, but show him, by the way you live, that Jesus has given you the very thing that he has so desperately tried to take. Grab onto Jesus and watch as Satan literally runs in fear. He knows that he doesn't stand a chance against our Lord.
As soon as you realize that the battle has been won, your life will change. As soon as Christ is more what you are than you are, Satan will scream with fear. Satan will not try to mess with Jesus. If you become a part of the body of Jesus, what does that tell you about Satan's new view of you?
Please don't misread this. He is still there and will always(in this part of life) try to get to you. But the more you are consumed by God, the harder, and more risky it will be for him to poke at you.
Why do we act like he is the biggest thing in our life? He doesn't deserve that kind of credit, especially since it isn't true- Well, it isn't true in my life, I can't speak for everyone, but I do know that the God, who has chosen me to live, is WAY bigger and WAY stronger than Satan.
Satan is real.
Satan sucks.
Satan is good at things.
Satan makes my life difficult.
Satan knows that through Jesus Christ, I am more than a threat.
Are you?
Satan is vanquished. JESUS IS KING!
Let's live like it.
I won't go as far as to say that Satan doesn't exist; I don't doubt the presence of evil in the world, even in the Church as you rightly pointed out. That said, I don't believe in some red clothed devil with a pitchfork (a legend picked up from Norwegian gods, I believe), and I don't believe in the modern, wealthy, cleverly dressed anti-Christ of the Left Behind series, either. Corporeal images of Satan are often attempts to personify something that, in my mind, is immanent. Many Christians anthropomorphize their own sinfulness in attempt to avoid blame, thus "Satan" himself becomes our sin, an escape from any culpability. While Jesus does serve as victory over death (and "Satan" or "sin"), I sometimes fear that we also use Christ as a crutch, something holier-than-thou Christians do to imagine themselves as so perfected in Christ that they can do no wrong or pass no unfair judgment. I don't know what's more "Satan" than that.