Monday, September 28, 2009


"Obviously, I used to say, a sane man accepts or rejects any statement, not because he wants to or does not want to, but because the evidence seems to him good or bad. If he were mistaken about the goodness or badness of the evidence, that wold not mean he was a bad man, but only that he was not very clever. And if he thought the evidence bad but tried to force himself to believe in spite of it, that would be merely stupid."
-C.S. Lewis
(Mere Christianity book 3 ch.11)

Lewis goes on to discuss the fact that the human thought process isn't governed by reason and therefore, the assumption that truth today is truth tomorrow, is rooted in ignorance. Faith is weird, we talk about it in church more than anything else, yet none of us know what it is. It could be as simple as the belief in the existence of something, but I think that the call for faith in Christ is deeper. Faith is, according to Paul, a virtue; it is active and vital.
If you were to ask me about my "faith" last week I would have told you that it was lacking. Last week was bad and therefore I felt like I was distanced from God. As a result, my "faith" was shaken. This is foolishness! Faith thrives, in fact, it only exists wen it is tested. A huge part of my faith is the fact that God is with me always, even when I'm not with Him. If the times are bad, focus on this truth, focus on the fact that strength comes with the belief in what is unseen. Of course I believe in trees, I see them every second of every day. But to believe in my God who is above all things and is too glorious for my eyes and heart to see is faith. To see that He is bigger than everything I have ever thought or imagined combined is faith. To see that, though He is big, He is inside of each and every persons eyes is faith. Faith is justified craziness. I don't know what it is, but I like to think that I have it. As I sat down to write this, I had a constant train of thought. But as I leave, I'm scattered and confused. I'm okay with that. I just read over it and man, this text is so unproductive. I'm sorry if this wasted any of your time. I am posting it simply to stimulate a thought. Try to figure out what faith is.

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